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shooting in b&w

Shooting in Black & White


For this worksheet, you will need the A3 paper copy notes, provided to you by your teacher during class time.  

Make it your own - make it look attractive and effective!


Type up the quote underneath the heading that is written on the A3 sheet:

Black and white is an abstraction; we do not see the world simply in tones of grey. This abstraction can be used to advantage to focus on the content of an image or on purely aesthetic qualities.


What is black and white photography?

Black and white photography is not just taking colour pictures without the colour. Black-and-white images are constructed from tones and areas of dark and light, and work in a subtly different way from colour images.

-To see how a scene will look in black and white, half close your eyes. This will make you concentrate on tonal differences rather than colour.


In which genres of photography are black & white images most popular?

Black and white continue to exert a powerful allure to photographers from all genres. In portraiture, landscape and fashion photography, black and white continue to enjoy immense popularity.



Tonal Value Scale:



What is the value scale?

“Tonal range” is the difference between the lightest and darkest areas of the picture. It can refer to either the overall contrast of the image or to the local contrast in parts of the image. A “tone scale”, refers to an external reference image divided into distinctly different regions of lightness or darkness


Using a tonal fill method create a tonal scale below:











Who is Ansel Adams?

Ansel Easton Adams (February 20, 1902 – April 22, 1984) was an American photographer and environmentalist. His black and white landscape photographs of the American West, especially Yosemite National Park, have been widely reproduced on calendars, posters, books, and the internet.


What is he famous for?

Adams is famous for developing the Zone System, which is a way to determine proper exposure and adjust the contrast of the final print. The resulting clarity and depth characterized his unique photographs.


Find an outstanding B&W portrait of Ansel adams and insert it here:
















Now, here are the Practical Tasks for your GALLERIES page:


Shoot a variety of PORTRAIT photographs that make use of tonal variation.

This will be a series of pictures that contain as many tones as possible from black to white.

Be patient and try to shoot the same situation at different exposures.


Take about 50 images and then select your best 5.

Insert your best five into the Galleries page ‘Shooting in B&W Photographs’

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